By far, one of the most effective tools; for which could be utilized by Aquarist. When implemented appropriately, these 100% Acrylic Spawning Mops are absolutely amazing! Let's take a look at a few of the ways; for which these can be utilized within home Aquaria.
Substrate Spawner (Egg Depositing)
Many specimens of live stock are opportunistic with regard to disposition of eggs, during the spawning and fertilization process. When utilizing a suspended and or non-suspended spawning mop; this provides the spawners a safe haven and place to deposit eggs; during the external fertilization process.
Livebearer (Non-Egg Depositor)
As indicated in the aforementioned (Substrate Spawner) spawning mops work amazing with the livebearers. Providing a safe haven for juvenile offspring and parents. Also, inhibits and promotes breeding rituals.
These work amazing for the safe haven and transferring of shrimp, crayfish, snails etc. Dwarf Shrimp Families i.e., Neocaridina and or Caridina, provides an ease for transferring juvenile offspring from one ecosystem to the other. By utilizing a cup and or fine net (brine shrimp equivalent net) and slowly placing under the spawning mop(s) and raising up out of water; ensuring you do NOT squeeze; if utilizing a net, then transfer to the rearing and or grow-out tank. Crayfish, rather that be Procambarus alleni and or Procambarus fallax (Self Clone Crayfish) these work wonders. Simply place several suspended and non-suspended through-out the system; for which they're being housed. This provides great safe havens for the offspring and parents.
For many non-annual and or semi-annual Killifish, these mops work amazing!These specimens often times will deposit eggs at the very uppermost point of the spawning mops; not just scattered in opensight. For many specimens (knowing what it is you are working with) the eggs have an adhesive bonding; whereas the contact of egg(s) to Acrylic adhere. Now, with other specimens such as Barbs, Danios, Tetras etc. the adhesive bonding is minimal and won't work as effective when suspended in the water column. Again, knowing about the specific specimen; for which you are attempting to work with and how the eggs adhere, is very important to the appropriate utilization of these spawning mops.
Bio-film and Bacterium
These also contain trace elements of bacteria and or bio-film; which is a great surface area for living organisms, such as offspring. Many specimens constantly graze and eat from the Spawning Mops; therefore providing a food source.
How To Make
Obtain 100% Acrylic Yarn (preferably Forest Green color). Use a book or equivalent hard surface about 1/2”-3/4” thick, 5”-8” wide and 12”-15” tall. Start by placing the end of yarn in contact with surface being utilized and make two full wraps around (maintaining in vertical fashion). Now, continue wrapping 50 times and this will complete the build.
Take a zip tie and utilize at uppermost part, secure tightly. Now, the remaining yarn (still connected to main spool) cut even at the bottom, with the same length as the rest.
Utilize a bobber at the top and this will maintain the mop for suspended use and or remove/not use bobber and this will allow to sink (takes a few days with new mops).
Provided herein is a glimpse of the possibilities; for which one could use in conjunction with their Aquarist related tools. When implemented appropriately, Spawning Mops are amazing!